Arcade Mitigation Coalition - Resiliency is Building

ESABA and ESNDC are inviting you to learn more about Arcade construction in 2025 and our work to get mitigation money to help businesses survive it. Join this meeting for an update. We will host these regularly so come and meet other people energized by this work.
We will meet for the first 30 minutes and run general information about the project, MnDOT plans and general updates to get everyone on the same page.
The second 30 minutes are for strategizing and next steps to advance a campaign to pass a Bill at the Legislature to secure Mitigation money for businesses on Arcade and E7th affected by the MnDOT project.
You are welcome to come for the first 30 minutes to learn, and stay for the second half if you want to further engage and get more involved in the campaign.
Our one pager describing the campaign is attached.
Here’s the meeting link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 7057 4404
Passcode: 889447
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Meeting ID: 868 7057 4404
Passcode: 889447
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