SPACC Blog Update

23 Mar 2020





Greetings all -


In case you’ve already lost track of what day it is, happy Friday! If you have the option, remote work may be great, in pajamas with the TV on in the background, but it also elevates isolation, anxiety, and a feeling of disconnection from the team. My team has implemented three all-staff Zoom meetings a week to make sure we’re all feeling connected and focused on the work in front of us. 


Amidst the growing cases and the anticipated spike today, I wanted to share a little good news too. If you haven't seen it already, check out this Pioneer Press story about the free market food give away yesterday that will now continue through the weekend. Indeed these are challenging times, yet each day we see people helping in so many ways.


In the spirit of making Connections that Count, your chamber is working to keep you updated and e-programming to bring us together. We are reaching out to business organization partners across the region to make this accessible for all of us. In the meantime, my team attended a webinar hosted by TriNet on How Small and Medium Size Businesses Can Prepare for the Impact of COVID-19. They also published a two-part blog on How Small and Medium Size Businesses Can Prepare for the Impact of COVID-19 (Part 1 and Part 2). I found it good reading; I hope you do too.


We also working with our East Team on a Business Action Plan, which will include recommendations for a series of temporary measures to safeguard the local economy and protect businesses, consumers, and all citizens. You’re seeing similar work from the Minnesota and U.S. Chambers. Timing is of the essence and we all are working diligently on this now. We are collecting your feedback – thank you for sending in your ideas! Biggest concerns we're hearing about seem to be cash availability and relief from certain fees and timelines.


I’m particularly intrigued by how industry is engaging very creatively to support the community right now. GreaterMSP is working with companies in our state and nationally to facilitate their redirected efforts. Medtronic, as an example, is boosting ventilator production  while distilleries are making hand sanitizers  and breweries are planning cooperative delivery services. In a weird way, is reminiscent of World War II efforts.


And one final note, please consider donating blood! The American Red Cross is asking people to give blood during this challenging time. Those who are healthy, feeling well and eligible to give blood or platelets, are urged to make an appointment to donate as soon as possible by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).


Make sure to visit our COVID-19 resource page with links to resources, the latest news, and guidance. You can also find ways you can help. Please share suggestions for items and resources to add as well.


If you would like to continue to receive COVID-19 updates by email, please sign up here.


?We will continue to share information on a regular basis to those who are interested, while being respectful that not everyone wants all of the emails. Whether or not you sign up for the list, please know that we continue to be here for you! Let us know how we can help. We'll get through this eventually. Together.


Be well!



B Kyle


Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce





Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce | 401 Robert St North, Suite 150, Saint Paul, MN 55101


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