Detroit Under STRESS:? Campaigns Against Police Violence in the 1970s and the Present

Event Promo Photo For Detroit Under STRESS:? Campaigns Against Police Violence in the 1970s and the Present

September 15, 2022 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Metro State University


Join Metro State University for a free virtual talk by Austin McCoy, assistant professor of history, West Virginia University. This talk will explore the broad-based campaign to abolish the Detroit Police Department’s clandestine “Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets” (STRESS) unit that was responsible for killing more than twenty Black Detroiters in three years. Professor McCoy will use the anti-STRESS movement to draw connections between organizing against police brutality during the early-1970s, the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement during the Obama Era and calls to defund?the police in the wake of George Floyd’s murder.